Apr 28, 2020
Do you video record your interview preparation?
Most people don’t and that fact keeps them from preparing properly for interviews that can change their life.
In today’s video, I share three reasons you need to record yourself as you prepare for your interview to increase your chances of delivering a memorable performance.

Apr 21, 2020
Have you ever been accused of sounding “scripted” in an interview?
You know, when your answers sound robotic and mechanical.
In today’s video, I share how to avoid this and sound smooth as glass!

Apr 14, 2020
Being nervous in an interview can destroy your chances of getting hired.
As common as it is, there ARE ways to counter nervousness.
In this video, I discuss several ways to manage your nerves and increase your chances of delivering your best performance.

this post.
Apr 7, 2020
Many people have difficulty talking about themselves in interviews, and saying the word “I.”
I share how important it is that you do so, and how to do it effectively.

Mar 31, 2020
Have you ever had an interviewer staring at you without saying anything after you finished an answer?
As uncomfortable as that is, there is a way to prevent it and increase your interview success.
In this video, I discuss how to avoid uncomfortable silences.
