Be the Leader People Want to Follow

4 More Ways To Get Useful Performance Feedback
Jun 23, 2020
I share four more tips on how and when to ask for feedback on your performance to get employees to be more honest and give you more useful feedback.

4 Ways To Customize Performance Feedback
Jun 30, 2020
In this video, I’ll share 4 ways to customize your feedback based on what you know about a particular employee. These approaches will increase the effectiveness of your feedback and help you be seen as more respectful to employees.

Have You Ever Said "No" To Your Manager?
Oct 13, 2020
Have you ever said “NO” to your manager? Have you been tempted to but feared doing so? In this video, I respond to a viewer’s question and share situations when I encourage you to say no.

How To Get Useful Performance Feedback
Jun 16, 2020
When you ASK for performance feedback the right way you increase your chances of getting honest, helpful feedback. The wrong approach typically results in no feedback, nothing helpful, or dishonest answers. In this video, I show you the first of five effective approaches. In my next post, I’ll share four more.

How To Avoid The Most Common Feedback Mistake
Jun 9, 2020
In this video, I share a tip on NOT using a commonly taught approach to delivering constructive feedback, and what to use in its place.

Are You A Blimp Worthy Leader?
Nov 24, 2020
Do you consider yourself a GREAT leader? Are you good enough that the Goodyear Blimp would show up to cover your leadership? In this video, In this video, I challenge leaders to work hard to become the best they’re capable of.

Never Hold Back A Rising Star
August 3, 2021
Of all your direct reports, who is the Superstar on your team? If they moved on, how much would you miss their contribution? In this video, I share some leadership advice from one of my mentors.

Nothing But The Truth, Episode 1
Apr 27, 2021
Have you ever lied to yourself, and possibly others, about a situation in your life? Has the lying ever interfered with your strivings for success? In this video, I share a lie I used to tell, why I did so and why I stopped.

Nothing But The Truth, Episode 2
July 6, 2021
Do you tell little lies to yourself and others from time to time? Have you convinced yourself that it’s not a big deal? In this video, I expose that behavior as addictive and what to do about it.

Some Things Just Take Time
August 12, 2021
Are you relatively new to leadership and still developing your “leadership style?” Want some great advice from a NASA superstar? In this video, I share some leadership advice from Ginger Kerrick Davis, a bonafide NASA superstar.
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