Craig DiVizzio

How To Value Everyone’s Voice

How To Value Everyone’s Voice

Have you ever attended a team meeting and little was accomplished? Maybe some people even left with hard feelings?

We all probably have, and what that experience exposed was most likely poor leadership of the meeting.

Multi-generational teams challenge leaders more than ever before because of their diverse perspectives and work styles.

In this week’s video, I share how to manage the dismissiveness that can occur on multi-generational teams.

Click the thumbnail below to view the video.

, and don’t miss the video on this topic on YouTube!

How To Lead Without Having The Authority

How To Lead Without Having The Authority

As a panel member at the 2019 Georgia Environmental Conference, I was asked, “How is leadership accomplished when you do not have real authority?”

I discuss the leaders I’ve met who have a leadership title but have no clue about leadership.

I also brag about the untitled leaders who display superb leadership qualities – what I call Blimp Worthy Leadership!

Click the thumbnail below to view the video.

, and don’t miss the video on this topic on YouTube!

How To Lead The Next Gens Gifts And Gaps

As a panel member at the 2019 Georgia Environmental Conference, I was asked the question, “How do you lead the next generation of hopefuls?”

Having recently updated my presentation on Generational similarities and differences titled Leadership For A Changing Workforce, I was excited to share my answer.

In my next post, I’ll answer the question, “How is leadership accomplished when you do not have real authority?”

, and don’t miss the video on this topic on YouTube!

How Leaders Can Learn From Sports Coaches

As a panel member at the 2019 Georgia Environmental Conference, I was asked the question, “Where do you think you have gained the most guidance in your leadership style?”

I share how I believe business leaders can learn a thing or two from sports, and what I learned in sports that guides my leadership!

In my next post, I’ll answer the question, “How do you lead the next generation of hopefuls?”

Leave us a question or a comment below , and don’t miss the video on this topic on YouTube!

Have You The Courage To Lead With Integrity?

I was recently asked by David Mook of the Centergy Group to participate in a panel discussion on Leadership at the 2019 Georgia Environmental Conference.

We were asked 4 questions – the first of which was, “What is the most basic tenet of leadership in today’s world?”

I share my answer to that question in this video and my answers to the additional three in my next three posts.

My answer to the first question may just challenge you!

In my next post, I answer the question, “Where do you think you have gained the most guidance in your leadership style?”

and don’t miss the video on this topic on YouTube!

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