Craig DiVizzio

Interviewing For Your First Leadership Position, Episode 3

Interviewing For Your First Leadership Position, Episode 3

Do you question your readiness to accept your first leadership position?

Have others suggested you are ready, but you’re not sure?

In this video, I share what I recommended to a viewer who questioned her readiness.

Check out our offerings:

Interviewing Skills Online Course titled “I Got The Job!” 

My Interviewing book titled “I Got The Job!”

Leadership Online Course: Performance Enhancing Feedback

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Interviewing For Your First Leadership Position, Episode 2

Interviewing For Your First Leadership Position, Episode 2

How many positions have you had thus far with Leadership in the title?

Did you know it’s not that important to have any?

In this video, I share the mistake people interviewing for their first leadership position often make and how to avoid it. 

Check out our offerings:

Interviewing Skills Online Course titled “I Got The Job!” 

My Interviewing book titled “I Got The Job!”

Leadership Online Course: Performance Enhancing Feedback

Leave us a comment or a question below this post.

What Your Dedicated Interview Folder Should Include

What Your Dedicated Interview Folder Should Include

Do you have a dedicated interview folder that you keep updated?

Are you tracking everything that’s critical to doing well?

In this video, I share Rachel Petry’s thoughts and my suggestions on what you should track.

Rachel Petry complete Podcast interview.

Check out our offerings:

Interviewing Skills Online Course titled “I Got The Job!” 

My Interviewing book titled “I Got The Job!”

Leadership Online Course: Performance Enhancing Feedback

Leave us a question or a comment below this post.

How Rachel Became The Best Interviewee I’ve Seen

How Rachel Became The Best Interviewee I’ve Seen

Beyond preparing on your own, what strategies do you use to get great at interviewing?

Have you ever participated in an interview as an interviewer?

In this video, I share the journey of my best interview student – Rachel Petry – on how she got so good at interviewing. 

Check out my new offerings:

Interviewing Skills Online Course titled “I Got The Job!” 

My new book (on Amazon) on Interviewing titled “I Got The Job!”

Leadership Online Course: Performance Enhancing Feedback

Watch the whole interview with Rachel Petry on BIG In Biz With DiViz.

A Super Question To Ask Interviewers

A Super Question To Ask Interviewers

Do you have a list of great questions to ask interviewers at the end of the interview?

Want to hear a great one about team dynamics?

In this video, I divulge a great question Rachel Petry shared with me as a guest on my podcast – BIG In Biz With DiViz!

Check out my new offerings:

Interviewing Skills Online Course titled “I Got The Job!” 

My new book (on Amazon) on Interviewing titled “I Got The Job!”

Leadership Online Course: Performance Enhancing Feedback

Watch the whole interview with Rachel Petry on BIG In Biz With DiViz.

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