Oct 20, 2020
Does prolonged eye contact intimidate you?
Do you know the best response?
In this video, I answer a question from a viewer on how to make proper eye contact in an interview.
Check out my new book on Interviewing, “I Got The Job!”

Oct 13, 2020
Have you ever said “NO” to your manager?
Have you been tempted to but feared doing so?
In this video, I respond to a viewer’s question and share situations when I encourage you to say no.

Oct 6, 2020
Is your lack of assertiveness causing people to question your motivations?
Have they stopped trusting you and asking your opinion?
You shouldn’t be surprised, and in this video, I explain how that happens and why it’s so important to stand up for yourself and your beliefs.

this post.
Sep 29, 2020
Challenging times don’t make the person, they expose them; they reveal the person’s true character.
In this video, I ask some telling questions about how these difficult times are exposing you, and what it means about your character.

this post.
Sep 22, 2020
Do you believe that people who treated you unfairly should apologize for having done so?
What about those who will never tell you they’re wrong?
How do we handle them?
In this video, I share what to do to retain your sanity when dealing with them.
