Eventually you will find yourself accomplishing goals that you once thought were impossible and your life will be much better.

Eventually you will find
yourself accomplishing goals
that you once thought were
impossible and your life will
be much better.
Ongoing Development Videos
Build your leadership and communication skills through ongoing tips available on Craig’s extensive video library. Select your favorite playlist to start watching!
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Teach Others To Respect You
Are you unhappy with how others treat you - believing that you deserve more respect than they give you? Find out how to change this dynamic so they treat you with respect. This is the first of 12 videos in this series. .
4 Ways To Customize Performance Feedback
In my last two posts, How To GET Useful Performance Feedback and 4 More Ways To GET Useful Performance Feedback I shared tips to improve the feedback you request on your performance. Now it's time to focus on customizing performance feedback you GIVE to others...
4 More Ways To GET Useful Performance Feedback
In my last post, How To GET Useful Performance Feedback, I shared my first tip on how to get useful performance feedback. In this video, I'll share four more tips on how and when to ask for performance feedback to get employees to be more honest and give you more...
How To GET Useful Performance Feedback
When you ASK for performance feedback the right way you increase your chances of getting honest, helpful feedback. The wrong approach typically results in no feedback, nothing helpful, or dishonest answers. In this video, I show you the first of five effective...
How To Avoid The Most Common Feedback Mistake
In this video, I share a tip on NOT using a commonly taught approach to delivering constructive feedback, and what to use in its place. .
Stalling Techniques For Interviews
Have you ever been in an interview and needed more than a few seconds to find your place or regroup to deliver a great answer? Savvy interviewers prepare for moments like this. They anticipate the need to buy time in the interview and practice strategies to employ...
Highlight Your Commonalities With Interviewers
There is tremendous value in pointing out to interviewers the things you have in common with them. Do you know what it is? In this video, I share how taking advantage of this underutilized technique will increase your chances of being the selected candidate. .
What Interviewers Look For
Students routinely ask me what an interviewer looks for in a candidate during the selection process. Seeing this process through the eyes of an interviewer - and learning what they view as important - is essential to doing well. In this video, I share what...
How To Spend The Hours Right Before An Interview
Have you ever felt prepared for an interview only to undermine that confidence in the hours or minutes before it starts? Sadly, many people don’t manage this time well. In this video, I share some common mistakes people make and some useful habits that will prepare...
Are You Sabotaging Your Efforts To Get Hired?
Unfortunately, many people self-sabotage in interviews. What’s more discouraging is many of them are completely unaware of how they do so. In this video, I help you increase your chance of getting hired by getting inside the head of an interviewer to understand the...