Eventually you will find yourself accomplishing goals that you once thought were impossible and your life will be much better.

Eventually you will find
yourself accomplishing goals
that you once thought were
impossible and your life will
be much better.
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Ready to ACE your next interview?
Get StartedBlog
Why Recording Your Interview Prep Is Essential
Do you video record your interview preparation? Most people don’t and that fact keeps them from preparing properly for interviews that can change their life. In today's video, I share three reasons you need to record yourself as you prepare for your interview to...
How To Avoid Sounding Scripted In Interviews
Have you ever been accused of sounding “scripted” in an interview? You know, when your answers sound robotic and mechanical. In today's video, I share how to avoid this and sound smooth as glass!
How To Counter Interview Nervousness
Being nervous in an interview can destroy your chances of getting hired. As common as it is, there ARE ways to counter nervousness. In this video, I discuss several ways to manage your nerves and increase your chances of delivering your best performance. this post.
How To Comfortably Say “I” In An Interview
Many people have difficulty talking about themselves in interviews, and saying the word “I.” I share how important it is that you do so, and how to do it effectively. .
How To Avoid Awkward Interview Silence
Have you ever had an interviewer staring at you without saying anything after you finished an answer? As uncomfortable as that is, there is a way to prevent it and increase your interview success. In this video, I discuss how to avoid uncomfortable silences. .
Why Studying DURING An Interview Is Critical
To help the increasing number of our brothers and sisters whose jobs are in jeopardy or lost, we'll focus our posts on interviewing, until further notice. Have you ever squandered precious seconds of an interview - decreasing your chances of being the successful...
How To Value Everyone’s Voice
Have you ever attended a team meeting and little was accomplished? Maybe some people even left with hard feelings? We all probably have, and what that experience exposed was most likely poor leadership of the meeting. Multi-generational teams challenge leaders more...
How To Lead Without Having The Authority
As a panel member at the 2019 Georgia Environmental Conference, I was asked, “How is leadership accomplished when you do not have real authority?” I discuss the leaders I've met who have a leadership title but have no clue about leadership. I also brag about the...
How To Lead The Next Gens Gifts And Gaps
As a panel member at the 2019 Georgia Environmental Conference, I was asked the question, “How do you lead the next generation of hopefuls?” Having recently updated my presentation on Generational similarities and differences titled Leadership For A Changing...
How Leaders Can Learn From Sports Coaches
As a panel member at the 2019 Georgia Environmental Conference, I was asked the question, "Where do you think you have gained the most guidance in your leadership style?” I share how I believe business leaders can learn a thing or two from sports, and what I learned...