Eventually you will find yourself accomplishing goals that you once thought were impossible and your life will be much better.

Eventually you will find
yourself accomplishing goals
that you once thought were
impossible and your life will
be much better.
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How To Stop Passive-Aggressive Behavior In The Workplace
Passive-aggressive behavior is one of the most destructive forces you will encounter in the workplace. It can destroy the teamwork you worked so hard to create. As the manager, you should address this quickly by setting new expectations for the team. Rather than...
Want more from life? ASK for it!
You create the life you have by the choices you make – what you choose to do and choose not to do. It’s true that life sends some stuff your way that you don’t choose, but you control what you get. One choice I encourage you to make is to ask for what you want. I...
It’s Time To Celebrate And Only You Know Why
You’ve had your head down for a long, long time now. Isn’t it time to pick up your head, remove your nose from the grindstone and relax a bit while you take a 50,000-foot view of your successes? You bet it is! You have reason to celebrate, but you haven’t… yet, and...
How Competition And Teamwork Are Compatible
Consider these two statements. We are a team, but you know what they say about team; there’s no I in team! If we are a team, and Sam Slacker is not doing his job, why do I have to do my job? What do they have in common? Statement one partially created statement two in...
Why You Should Talk To People You Disagree With
I have always believed that talking to people I disagree with has tremendous value, as does reading and watching content that promotes a viewpoint contrary to mine. I must admit, it’s not always easy, but I’m definitely wiser in the end. I’m pretty sure that...
When It Is Smart To Not Finish What You Started
Finish what you started. From a young age you’ve heard that from parents, teachers, and coaches. It suggests you stick with it; you can do it, and think through your decisions because you can’t always change them. Good lessons to learn. Some people learned them well –...
The Powerful Payoff Of Patience And Persistence
Are you giving up on yourself and others too quickly – keeping yourself from accomplishing all you are capable of? If so, I’d like to help you change that self-defeating behavior. We all know that if you’re responsible for getting a young adult or teenager to clean...
Tips To Lead Your Team Through Change
Leading teams through change was a daily activity for managers in the heyday of corporate downsizing and restructuring. Leaders became change hardy - accustomed to dealing with change. Those same skills are needed today, as change is back with a vengeance. Let’s...
The Minimum You Accept Is The Maximum You Get
Life is a compromise – we all know that – no one gets everything they want (sorry to disappoint you, idealists, out there). I, for one, want to compromise the least and have the fewest regrets about the compromises I make. What is my strategy? Make smart, well...
How It Happens Lingers Longer Than What Happens
During the heyday of downsizing in corporate America, I worked as a trainer for a career consulting company and taught managers how to terminate employees with respect and dignity. It’s one of the most difficult duties a manager will ever perform; those who have done...