Eventually you will find yourself accomplishing goals that you once thought were impossible and your life will be much better.

Eventually you will find
yourself accomplishing goals
that you once thought were
impossible and your life will
be much better.
Ongoing Development Videos
Build your leadership and communication skills through ongoing tips available on Craig’s extensive video library. Select your favorite playlist to start watching!
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Fighting The Need To Be Right
Do you need to be right more than you want to be right? Do you need to win to feel good about yourself? In this video, I share some questions you can ask yourself to manage those actions and foster more satisfying relationships. .
Assertive Casualties
When you move from not being assertive to becoming so, many things will change in your life. In this video, I share how some of your relationships may change by becoming more assertive. .
Asserting Yourself – After The Fact
Do you ever fail to assert yourself OR lash out at someone, and after the fact feel badly about it? There is a way to repair the damage, you know. In this video, I share what you can do to feel better about yourself. .
How “Should” And “Ought To” Cause Problems
If your attempts to be assertive have been unsuccessful, I have a tip for you. There are two keys to Assertiveness that are required for your assertive efforts to result in success. In this video, I share both of them. .
Why YOU Cause(s) Defensive Reactions
Do the people you're talking to often get defensive? Want to know what it is and how you can change it? In this video, I shed light on a communication habit that will make people defensive, every time! .
How To Resist Getting Aggressive
Do you start out assertive but get aggressive when things don’t go your way? In this video, I talk about how to keep that from happening and ruining relationships. .
How Avoiding Conflict Destroys Self-esteem
Do you avoid conflict with others at all costs? That behavior often creates a consequence more destructive than the one you avoided. In this video, I explain how it happens and why it’s important to stand up for yourself. .
Where Is Your Line In The Sand?
Are you less assertive than you would like to be and know you can be? In this video, I have some tips on how you can change that. .
Say YES To Yourself
Do you typically put other people’s needs ahead of yours? The more you tend to do that, the more interested you will be in this video. I’ll share what you need to do to continue taking care of others. .
Prepare Your Response To Aggressiveness
Do you fail to stand your ground with those who are aggressive toward you? To change that response, you need to know why you choose it. In this video, I suggest some questions to ask yourself and a strategy to protect yourself. .