Eventually you will find yourself accomplishing goals that you once thought were impossible and your life will be much better.

Eventually you will find
yourself accomplishing goals
that you once thought were
impossible and your life will
be much better.
Ongoing Development Videos
Build your leadership and communication skills through ongoing tips available on Craig’s extensive video library. Select your favorite playlist to start watching!
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How and When To Mediate A Disagreement
In the post “How To Stop Passive-Aggressive Behavior In The Workplace” I shared how important it is and how to create a culture where teammates first attempt to resolve differences with each other before requesting leadership assistance. The most productive teams...
Interviewing For Your First Leadership Position, Episode 1
If you are interviewing for your first leadership position, this is an exciting time. I want to give you an advantage over your competition and ensure you avoid the most common mistake eight out of 10 people in your position make. Most people prepare by designing...
When Good Enough Is NOT Good Enough!
Most of you know I’m a health conscious person who values physical and mental fitness. I was discussing training schedules with a physical trainer friend of mine, and she asked how I had modified my training regimen after suffering a heart attack and devastating...
Say Hello To Reaching Your 2018 Goals!
Happy New Year! It's time for resolutions, new goals, and a fresh start. Let's make 2018 the best year ever! Have you set your goals yet? Successful people who regularly reach their goals understand goal achievement. To achieve your goals believe in yourself – Expect...
Helping Top Performers Improve – Part Two: Customizing The Feedback
In Part One of Helping Top Performers Improve I shared how to move past your hesitation and fear to deliver this feedback. If you struggle with this and haven’t read Part One, please read it and watch the accompanying video before reading this post, as Part Two begins...
Are You Prepared For Success?
With 20 of my closest friends, I recently celebrated the ‘well-lived life’ of a high school classmate who passed away. We discussed everything from daily routines, life accomplishments, and family highlights, to broken relationships, failed careers, and life-changing...
Helping Top Performers Improve – Part One: Overcoming Reluctance
Are you reluctant, hesitant or fearful of giving constructive feedback to top performers? If a leader’s job is to: create a success-oriented work environment that employees can thrive in help employees improve, regardless their level of performance That includes all...
What Are YOU Thankful For?
Thanksgiving is a day for family get-togethers, pumpkin and sweet potato pie, turkey and ham with all the fixin’s, and thoughts and prayers of thanks for our bounty. As our business turns to an online presence, Heather and I want to thank you for your continued...
Part Two – Want More From Life? ASK For It!
After reading the Want more from life? ASK for it! post, Monique wrote me and asked, “Craig, you said to control the factors that influence results, like body language, facial expressions, etc. Will you be more specific?” An important influence on getting what you ask...
Take Some Time To Waste Some Time
Do you spend more time doing things you have to do and less time doing what you want to do? It’s time to reprioritize your life, to take some time to waste some time. What do I mean? Schedule four hours to sit under a tree or in some quiet, peaceful place, and do...